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If you guessed solar powered light 👍 using only a tiny 1" panel
Solar powered using only 1' panel without battery

Basicaly electric rechargeable batteries for storage of Sunlight during not very cloudy days. Maybe also in a combination with wind or hydrogen energy sources. Just like you go to top off your fuel tank when running on low. Every home running their own power station just as in an automobile.

In This Age Of Darkness Abundant Free Solar Electricity Not One Local Dedicated Electronics Parts Store. Keep People In The Dark Paying Big Fees From Easily Freely Powering Home Light And Electronics Using Portable Solar Panels. [email protected]

The Quiet Crisis: Why Global Warming and Climate Change Are Often Ignored

Despite the overwhelming scientific consensus about the urgent threat of global warming and climate change, these issues are frequently overlooked in public discourse. Factors contributing to this neglect include a focus on sensational news stories, cognitive dissonance that makes climate change seem like a distant problem, and a lack of immediate consequences in certain regions.

Economic and political significant barriers

The short-term thinking overriding necessary long-term investments in climate solutions. The fossil fuel industry's political influence further complicates efforts for meaningful change.

Misinformation and denial

The hype undermines the urgency needed to address climate change, as organized skepticism spreads doubt about the validity of climate science. Education is crucial in raising awareness and encouraging action on climate change. Grassroots movements, amplified by social media, are emerging as a hopeful response, uniting individuals and communities to advocate for sustainability.

How To combat this "quiet crisis,"

It’s essential to transition from awareness to action, fostering a global movement. Recognizing climate change as a pressing issue can help mobilize efforts and lead to substantive changes before it's too late. Each small action contributes to a larger narrative, highlighting the need for immediate and collective responsiveness to this urgent challenge.

A summary environmental impact, 2025:

Climate Change: Earth is experiencing record-breaking temperatures, with 2024 confirmed as the hottest year on since record keeping began. This trend is contributing to rising sea levels, more frequent and reoccurring severe weather events like dry hot winter wildfires, hurricanes, and droughts, which have significant impacts on both natural ecosystems and human societies. The global average temperature was 1.60C (2.88F) above pre-industrial levels, marking the first calendar year above the 1.5C (2.7F) threshold set by the Paris Agreement.

Mass Migration: The most overlooked, possibly the most important factor of all. Resulting in the biggest known mass migration in history.

Energy: Persistent reliance on fossil fuels, though with a push towards renewable energy, yet facing new challenges from tech industries.

Clean Air And Water Pollution: Growing water shortages and contamination from industrial, agricultural, and urban activities. Widespread health risks from poor air quality, with most people breathing polluted air.

Key Impacts:

  • Rising global temperatures
  • Changes in precipitation patterns
  • Increased Reoccurrance frequency and intensity of extreme weather events (e.g., heatwaves, droughts, hurricanes)
  • Sea level rise
  • Impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Threats to human health well-being


Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels for energy and transportation, release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, leading to global warming.


Forests absorb CO2. Cutting down trees reduces the capacity of the biosphere to absorb greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change.

Industrial Processes:

Industries release greenhouse gases and other pollutants that contribute to climate change.

Feedback Loops:

Climate change triggers natural processes that further contribute to warming, such as the melting of ice caps and the release of methane from thawing permafrost.


  • Reduce Greenhouse Gas: Transition to renewable improved efficient solar and hydrogen energy sources, espacially transportation reduces CO2 emissions.
  • Protect and Restore Forests: Conserving existing forests and planting new trees helps absorb CO2.

Adaptation: Importance of Addressing Climate Issues.

  • Infrastructure Resilience:
  • Early Warning Systems:
  • Climate-Resilient Communtities:

Climate change poses significant risks to human health, economies, and ecosystems. Taking action to mitigate and adapt to climate change is essential for protecting the well-being of current and future generations. International cooperation and collaboration are crucial for addressing this global challenge.

Article generated with help of AI

[email protected]

My Wild Theory of how Humans on Earth began: 'From My Observations: Religion, Science, Culture May Have A Few Hundred Years Left Unless There's A Course Correction. 'Humans Could've Lived On Mars Eons Ago. Remnants (some could still be there underground) relocated To Earth; Adam & Eve.' 'The Earth Will Become Another Mars'


'Opinion Climate Warming OPENAI
As an Al assistant, I don't have personal opinions. However, the scientific consensus is that climate change, including global warming, is a serious and urgent issue that is primarily driven by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Multiple studies have shown that climate change is leading to rising temperatures, sea level rise, extreme weather events, and other negative impacts on the environment and society. It is important for individuals, communities, and governments to take action to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.'
[email protected]

Laws That Enforced Prevent Unfriendly Big Tech Altering Working Devices Disable Remove Features Unauthorized Theft Of Private Info Sold To Marketers CyberCriminals. Harmful Advertizing Push Placebo Disease Contribute To Warming Climate Massive Trail Toxic Products Waste Pollution.
[email protected]

Bright Light Pollution Is Not Healthy To All Prevents Seeing Night Sky Easily Prevented By Lowering Light Temperature.
[email protected]

Most Are Born In Poor Middle Class Conditions And Few Know Or Do Any Better [email protected]

During Holidays There's Momentary Positive Change From Usual Negative Herd Mentality Fight Or Flight Lack Despair Stress. Eduction Lights Darkness Human Nature!
'Matthew 7:12, WEB
Therefore, whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets'
[email protected]

Everyone Everything Started Out Simply Freely From Just Small Steps Before Reaching Anything Of Worth Importance Knowledge Tech Science Music Art!
[email protected]

Harmful Control Profting Hawks Polluted Overpopulated Inner Cities.

The control of mass media to control the public. The Left/East, and most developing contries, use force. The Right/West, use money. To control the local/global markets. In the news they tell you the markets control the prices by supply and demand. They are run by monoplies to sell the lie. The artificially inflated prices by these rulling monopolies for example. Extracting petroleum from the ground cost nothing certianly Earth doesn't exact a fee. Their factories have been there in oil rich areas since the 1900's. Monopolizing markets through the control of world media and governments. Dissallowing the switch to solar electric or hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, technology that's been around since the 1900's. The have it both ways to keep petro profits and dissallowing the switch to clean vehicles.

The majority of people live inhabit the most densely populated most polluted and poorest inner areas of largest cities, and are unable to make changes. For the reasons that they grew up in and don't know any better. Are unable to because they cannot, lacking in knowledge, ability, or social mobility as usually the case. They cannot make a move maybe because as the saying goes, “The Devil You Know Is Better Than The One You Don’t”. Or “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it“. Fear of the Unknown! Or Fear a similar or even worse outcome.

Those who could afford to move to other states already left. The solution to escape responsibility, without caring to do right, is not correct. It temporarily appears that way until responsibilty catches up again. Everyone has a right and not be hindered to escape harm and be allowed to live in peace.

In areas where dry climates prevail rain is seldom. When it does rain, the air pollution levels drop considerably, however only temporarily especially indoor air. Afterwards the dry polluted conditions return to remain in place until next winter.

GMO Engineered Foods impair human health and nature. Organic Natural Foods are richer in nutrients and do not cause disease. With sick food making people sick, makes big pharma their big profits.

The details the extent of toxic food industry, please read article here.

Global Warming Climate Change (Air-Pollution) events affect a regional area. Hundred’s of years ago people traveled using land animals. Switching to renewable natural energy run motors, from Solar, Wind, Electricity, and Hydrogen, could ameliorate polluting effects on Climate.

Matter is Un-destroyed. Oil removed extracted from underground Earth changes form. As fuel releasing atmospheric gas trapping more Sun light. Causing extreme weather air pollution melting glaciers.

[email protected]

Tech Disinformation Widely Spreading Massive Online-EVirus

The Internet was first invented for noble purposes, in aim to continue freedom, peace, trustful, benevolent, safe free use and enjoyment of all.

Everyone and everything started freely and from just simple steps. Advancing, progressing until reaching highest achievements. Nobody knows everything or whole truths. This evil common practice of profiting dishonestly, from removing, altering, and covering. Otherwise would become simple common things and knowledge!

As computers were new developing tech were very limited in hardware with very slow dialup modem network connection. Today modern fast 5G high tech products OSs, Apple MS Google and their bundled web browsers. Are filled in spyware and tracking viruses harmful code and can bring down latest greatest computers. All browsers, MS-Edge, Mozilla-FF, Apple Webkit-Blink, DDG, all other soforth are rebranded (chromium) Chrome.

As Internet became increasingly controlled by paid scam advertizers. Search Engines and Social Media become increasingly untrustworthy. Controlled for profit by only a few unregulated monoplistic coroporations.

They break good rules destroying privacy, dishonestly profit. Removing features, ruining apps on running devices. Creating a massive trail of toxic waste and pollution. We now have the Internet this new technology is susceptible. Advances made in products are rolled back, or completely back engineered. Features removed intentionally destroying and making products obselete. As simply as pushing updates, changing small bits of code. Given no choice in upgrades, unawre device is broken into made more if not completly unstable. To sell higher versioned devices, or services for bigger profit margin, just as ransomware. From harmful Big Tech, ISPs, Search Engines and Advertizers.

[email protected]

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